Brooklyn bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down... erm, non. Hahaha. Hier, Ines et moi sommes allees au Brooklyn Bridge !!! Alors pleins de photos forcement et une magnifique lumiere de coucher de soleil.
Brooklyn bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down ... erm no, not at all. I've been on it with Ines last evening, it was AWESOME. So obviously, lots of pictures accompanied by a beautiful sunset light...
Du bout des doigts.
Acting is sex, not masturbation ©Roger Manix
Look out. How many opportunities have you missed today?
Walking on a straight line. Walking on a line, and knowing what I want.
reference de l'appareil photo emprunte. Ref. Number of the camera we borrowed.
Just walk away.
©Ines ullmo
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